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Get our entire Guided Rides Library for 90 days for only $20. This includes over 50 audio lessons from top instructors that you can listen to in real time while you ride, taking Equestrian Masterclass with you to the barn! Usually $97, get it today for only $20! 

Dr. Jenny Susser Teaches How to Control Fear and Anxiety

Become More Powerful Than Your Anxiety

Anxiety and fear can feel paralyzing, take the joy out of riding, or simply stall your progress. It's one of the most common issues holding riders back. The good news? You CAN gain control. In this Masterclass, Dr. Jenny Susser, P.h.D, breaks down the science behind fear and gives you the same tools used by Olympic riders and Navy SEALS to put your fear in the back seat.

After purchase, you will have 90 days of access to this Masterclass.