Karl Cook Teaches Strategic Riding

Create a System that Gets Consistent Results at any Level

No tricks. No special equipment. No gimmicks.

We’re often told what to do, but we’re not always told why. In this Masterclass, you’ll learn what to do, how to do it and why, so that you can create a strategy that uniquely works for you, your horse, and your goals.

Get Access - $55

Build a Strong Base

Learn how to create a holistic program that starts in the stable to make sure your horse can perform at their best. Go through how to optimize your horse's nutrition, tack, and daily routine

Develop Your Canter

The canter is the foundational gait for jumping, but so often it's overlooked in terms of its quality. Learn how to get the best canter possible from your horse, every ride, every time. 

Strategy and Problem Solving

Sometimes, things aren't going to go your way. The most important thing is how you react in those moments. Karl teaches you his methods for rolling with the inevitable punches that horses can throw your way.  

Course Overview

Here are just a few of the many things you'll have access to with this course: 

  • 10 in-depth video lessons with Karl Cook
  • Learn how to develop not only your horse, but your entire program
  • Develop the basics of a functional position
  • Strategic mechanisms to deal with the mental and emotional aspects of riding horses 
Sign Up - $55

Strategic Riding Lesson Plan

Learn how Karl Cook defines "Strategic Riding" for the purposes of this Masterclass, going into his philosophy about foundations, basics, and why it something isn't adding a positive result to your riding, you shouldn't be doing it. 

Karl takes your through the different levels of a training program, and explains why the bottom level is always the most important. 

Karl explains why a pretty, rigid position is rarely the same as an effective one. 

Why is the canter the most important gait for jumping? Karl takes you through his answer to that question. 

Through a series of exercises, Karl takes you through his method for building and developing a good canter. 

Riding is more than just what happens in the saddle. Karl takes you through his mental tactics to make sure you can stay calm and collected when the need to make split second decisions arise. 

Focus on what to do right before you swing your leg into the saddle to ensure you get the best ride from your horse on any given day. 

What do you do when things go wrong, as they so often do right in the middle of a ride? Karl takes you through his methods to ensure you stay strategic and not panic. 

Karl takes you through real rounds to point out moments of greatness, and moments when things could have gone differently. 

Not every system is the same for every horse or every barn. Learn how to make strategic riding work for you and your unique sets of circumstances. 

Meet Karl Cook, your Masterclass Instructor

Karl Cook, a highly accomplished equestrian, has consistently dominated the show jumping circuit with notable victories in prestigious events. His triumphs include clinching top positions in renowned competitions such as Spruce Meadows 'North American' Grand Prix and the Las Vegas National Horse Show. These wins underscore Cook's exceptional skill, dedication, and competitive spirit in the equestrian world. Beyond the arena, Cook is also recognized for his equestrian philanthropy and advocacy for the well-being of horses. As a proud equestrian, he continues to inspire and captivate enthusiasts worldwide with his remarkable skills and unwavering love for horses. 

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