Dr. Paul McClellan Teaches a Buyer's Guide to the Pre-Purchase Exam

Find Out Everything You Need to Know About Choosing Your Next Partner.

Buying a horse is an exciting time, but going through the pre-purchase exam can be overwhelming and confusing. It can feel like a mystery about what tests you should include, and what the results mean. When it comes to buying a horse, we all want to do things right. It’s a BIG investment. It’s important to make an informed decision about your potential new partner, so you can feel confident in the buying process. In this Masterclass, Dr. Paul McClellan, an Equine Veterinarian that has devoted a career spanning four decades exclusively to the challenges of performance horse medicine, will give you insight about what the pre-purchase exam is, how they work, and common misconceptions.

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What Is a Pre-Purchase Exam

Learn what a pre-purchase exam (or PPE) is, what common elements most exams share, and how they can help a buyer make a more informed purchase. You'll also learn how vets determine risk, and what questions you as a buyer need to ask yourself.

How PPEs Work for You

Go through the common elements of a pre-purchase exam, and what each diagnostic piece is supposed to tell you about that horse on that day. Dr. McClellan also takes you through several questions you need to ask yourself prior to the exam

Common Misconceptions

Dr. Paul takes you through several pitfalls to look out for during a pre-purchase exam, as well as breaking down what a PPE is NOT (i.e. a crystal ball for the horse's entire future). You'll also learn how vets mix both qualitative and quantitative pieces to get to the larger picture

Course Overview

Here are just a few of the many things you'll learn during this course: 

  • What a pre-purchase exam is (and isn’t), and how it works⁣
  • How vets analyze lameness and future performance⁣
  • How a vet conducts the exam⁣
  • When and why you may need a more extensive exam⁣
  • The top three things to consider when buying a new horse⁣
  • Common myths and misconceptions when it comes to pre-purchase exams⁣
Sign Up - $20

Dr Paul McClellan's Lesson Plan

Dr. Paul McClellan takes you through what a PPE is, and how its used to evaluate a given moment in time for a horse. 

Learn the basic elements of a pre-purchase exam, and how each piece contributes to the whole picture. You'll also learn when it's good to get further diagnostics from a larger team. 

Go through what PPE is NOT, and what homework you need to do on your end to consider all sides of the purchase, including what your potential exit strategy for the horse might be. 

Meet Dr. Paul McClellan, your Masterclass Instructor

Dr. Paul McClellan is the President & Founder of the San Dieguito Equine Group. An alumnus of Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine, he discovered his calling in the specialized field of performance horse medicine. Recognizing the value of merging cutting-edge technology with traditional clinical skills, he collaborated with experts like Dr. Norm Rantanen to advance diagnostic techniques, notably in the areas of ultrasound and standing MRI for equine orthopedic injuries.

Beyond his clinical work, Dr. McClellan's impact extends to the governance of equestrian sports. For over two decades, he served on the USEF Drugs and Medications committee, ensuring the welfare and fairness of competition. His expertise was further showcased as the Veterinarian for the 2020 USA Dressage Team, contributing to their Silver Medal success and solidifying his reputation as a trusted figure in the equestrian community.

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